Krowned Culture: The Podcast
Krowned Culture is a podcast series that was cultivated for the modern believer. This podcast is centered on the divine goodness of God that aims to provide a safe space for the open dialogue of faith-filled believers that serve him through everyday life. The goal is to foster authentic conversations surrounding a myriad of important contemporary topics that plague our society like dating, generational curses, mental health, and contemporary church culture, while providing tools that encompass unique kingdom-like solution based approaches. To be Krowned, is to be invested with regal dignity and power which is a reminder that we are empowered through God’s love as he choose to crown each of us by the need for our lives. This platform seeks to bridge the gap from the world for the modern Christian that teaches how to create a sanctuary within yourself. Krowned Culture is a platform, where passion meets purpose and peace reigns supreme.
Krowned Culture: The Podcast
Living Single: A Path Back to You
It can be disappointing trying to navigate the complications of life, trying to gain a better understanding of yourself and how to reroute after we experience the pains and traumas of life. If you are looking for more ways to be more intentional, and proactive about your singular journey as an individual--this is the episode for you. Be encouraged. I love you foreal!
With Peace & Love,
Welcome back to Krowned Culture, the podcast. I know it's been a minute. Y'all haven't heard from me. I've been journeying as I've made note. Just experiencing life, the ups and downs, the turns, the joys, as well as the pains. So thank you for bearing with me. We were on a seasoned intermission as I just continue to get a feel for life. And one thing you all should know about me is I am never gonna force any information. I'm never gonna just force it just to put it out. So I would much rather sit and bask in God's presence, regroup, and come back to you all as authentic and as true and genuine as I am. So with that, We always begin an episode in prayer, so just Father God, thank you for this day. Thank you for everything that you have done. Thank you for everything that you have placed down on the inside of us. Thank you, God, for giving us breath and life. Thank you God for the ability to float and move and maneuver. Thank you for the activity of our limbs. Thank you for our sound mind. And Father God, if we like, our mind is insane. Father God, make our minds sane, do a work in us, transform us and make us new. God, I ask, that you go before us as we speak, as I speak on something so important in today's society and, and the ability of being single and living life as a single individual, and not even just connected to relationship, but how to be the best version of ourselves. So Father God, I just pray and ask that you break down any wall, any barrier. You allow me to flow into uncharted territory and to provide the people with what you need for them. In your name, father God we pray. Amen. Faith is in session. Did you all miss me? I missed you all. I really genuinely did. And you know, I can't begin an episode without dedicating it. To someone prominent, someone whom I admire, or who has inspired me in different ways. So what you should know is I'm dedicating this episode to my beautiful godchildren, Ariah, AIAN Williams, and Nair ali Sessums. So I'm dedicating this episode to my godchildren because had it not been for them, my trajectory in life, especially my first godchild would've been a bit different. So I'm calling, I'm thanking, I'm appreciating, and that's who I'm dedicating this episode too. So I love you, God. Mommy loves you. So welcome to today's episode where we discuss. Living single a path back to you. Now when you hear me talk about living single, you know, ultimately people think I'm talking about, a single journey. Obviously that's not connected to someone else, and I wanna really focus on not. The aspect of how to better yourself for relationships, but how to better yourself for yourself so that you can in turn be better in relationships. Because relationships are all around us. They are not strictly romantic. We have friends, we have family, and how you sit within yourself, where your spirit rests, where your heart rest, where your mind is at ease, really determines and dictates the trajectory of those relationships. So, The pursuit of life truly is a journey. If, I've learned nothing so far, is that genuinely the pursuit of life is really a journey, and it's so beautiful because we experience life, lessons like I talked about, the joys, the pains, the traumas, the victories. You know, God built you for it. Let's start there. He built you for it. He's waiting on you to maybe ask for his help to better equip you. You know? So understanding that we are fearfully, marvelously made in this life and there'll never be another you, you know? And how do you navigate that journey? I always say God gifts us with so many blessings, right? But truly what we do with those gifts is our gift back to him. That's how we honor him. That's how we show him that we are grateful. We can say we're grateful, we're thankful a thousand times over, you know, until our final day. But showing him, I think shows it's more intimate. It really shows him how much you value what he's placed in front of you. And so, make no mistake about it. We do, we, we live, I would say we live in a grossly insecure world, you know? Where people are wrestling with a number of things on any given day that they speak about or they don't want to speak about. You know? And you have so many people bearing the burdens of themselves and then of others because then you have other people who are walking around unwell, and then you got the sick leading, helping the sick and the blind leading the blind. And it's nothing wrong with that because sometimes you do need. That along your journey, but sometimes it turns into misery Loves company and the same very, maybe you're on the pursuit and you want to get well and you want to do better and be more for yourself and for those connected to you. But maybe that person doesn't, right? Maybe they're in the same boat as you, but they don't want get out. Maybe they don't wanna. Change how their life is going. They don't wanna change direction. They don't wanna have to come out of their comfort zone to do such. And so the thing about it is, when you know yourself, when you're learning yourself, you have to, pray for the discernment for the ability, not only for the discernment, but the ability to apply that discernment so that. People aren't draining you, or people aren't running off with all of the things that you have worked to gather over your years. You know, so I always start with questions, right? Like, what does life look like? Pursuing God first, and then yourself, if God told you, things about yourself, would you even believe them? Right. Do you love yourself enough to endure the trials of life and then turn around and ask God for assistance on how to pick yourself up when life knocks you down? What does intention look like for you? What are you doing while you wait on God to manifest the desires of your heart? Are you disciplined? Are you purposeful? Is your waiting purposeful? I mean, when we heal, right? Because we can't talk about singleness without speaking about relationships that traumatize us, be it maternal, paternal, or our friends, right? Or our lovers, right? People hurt us. Life happens. People pass away, they transition on. That's pain. And so when you're waiting on God, What are you doing in that meantime? Because life is never gonna stop lifeing, right? And we know that. So I wanna kind of talk about self-love first, right? Because self-love is really a, um, It's so beautiful. It's multifaceted, but it's so simple all in one. And self-love really stems and, and centers in knowing who you truly are. And that's, I believe, why my first episode, specifically, I talked about peace of mind and I spoke about the mind the heart. And your soul spirit, right? Because without your mind, being well without your heart, being well, without your spirit, without those three components of yourself being well, you're gonna have a hard time navigating your self-love journey because you're gonna have a hard time knowing who you are. And if you don't know who you are, then you allow, you give people the ability to tell you who you are. Instead of believing what God says about you, you give people the ability to say, oh, you angry. Oh, you're bitter. Oh, you're this, oh, you're that. Whatever label people try to place on you, you give people the ability to do that when you don't know who you are, as an individual. And so I always say in terms of self-love, you know when you are navigating life and you are, pursuing, that's one of my favorite words, pursuing passion. That's the first part of self-love because it's determining what do I like, what do I not like? What drives me, what sets my soul on fire? Right. You know? I just actually led a panel and, evangelist Melody talked about how passion chases you. Passion chases you. And so you can either allow passion to chase you or you can run from it, but I guarantee you, you're gonna have to surrender at some point because it's gonna come to a head. And so when we talk about components of self-love, right? Do you trust yourself when you make a decision? Do you trust yourself? Are you willing to make sacrifices for yourself? Are you willing to go the extra mile for you? That doesn't mean, oh, I'm going to the mall and now I'm in Sax fifth Ave and I'm over here and I'm buying all this stuff for myself. That's not self-love. You feel what I'm saying? That's, that is aspects of self-love, right? But it's not self-love. You know, if your self-love is rooted in any type of materialistic, Worldly thing, then you're already behind the curve. And I encourage you to figure out who you truly are, what you really like, where you wanna go, who you wanna be, because that will answer a lot of your questions because then you'll start to ask questions. Why do I want to be in these places? And everything is not always about what will I gain from this situation, right? Your questions to yourself should now center in how do I impact this situation? How do I influence? And inspire myself to, to get myself to another place, to the next level. So self-love really, really it's wide, right? It's so many aspects of self-love. It's a wide field, but it's so simple because you have to. I'm gonna tell you when you've achieved self-love, when you've achieved self-love, you begin to see yourself through the lens that God sees you. That doesn't make you perfect, it just makes you pure. So I think people are out here striving for perfection when you've gotta just find your formula and then that is perfection. You're not gonna always get it right. So then if we talk about that, we talk about intention because intentions flow from self-love you set your intentions based upon how much you love yourself, how well you love yourself, how well you take care of yourself, how much you value yourself. And knowing what I bring to the table, you know, I hear all the time like, oh, I am, I am the table. I am the table. I don't have to, I don't have to know what I, I am the table. No, no, no. Tell us what you bring to the table. Because if it's, oh, I have my own house, I have my own car. I make this amount of money, I do this, this, this. No baby. No. You're just a little bit off track. You, you have a, you're, it's a bit of a misunderstanding because when I ask you what you bring to the table, what is your heart posture like? What is your ability to nurture, to grow, to impact, to guide, and to encourage, to inspire the next person, let alone yourself. And so I think the mindset on it is so off base. We've gotten so off base. And so my next question, just intention, right? What are your intentions for yourself? Where do you intend to go? What do you intend to do in this life? How do you wanna make the world better for the next person, for your children, your legacy? You feel what I'm saying? These are questions that you've gotta ask. If you, let me ask you this. If you do everything in your life, if you strive to do everything in your life, With intention, why would you let someone, be it a friend, be it your man, be it, family members who can't get right. I understand grace, but there's also people who will take advantage of you if you do not take control of the reigns. So I ask if you do all of the, if you strive to be intentional in your life, then. Why would you allow someone to come into your life who has no intention for you, who won't do it the way that it needs to be done, but yet you extend opportunities to those and then we end up hurt in the end because we didn't red flag their intention based upon their movements and how they value you. Intentions really. It's really about, it's about a understanding, an intricate understanding, I would say with yourself. Because if you're going to the right and someone comes in your life and they cool with going to the right with you for a little while, and then they start going to the left and you still let them go left, and you still let them go left, and then now you looking over your shoulder like, oh my goodness. Don't leave, and now you starting to veer to the left and now you are far off your life journey. Your life purpose, your life path, and everything that God has for you. You feel what I'm saying? So you have to be intentional. You have to be steadfast. And also being okay with the fact that everybody is not meant to walk the journey with you. Everybody is not meant to go with you. Certain parts of your journey, sometimes you just gotta let'em release them. You have to release them and you have to be okay with releasing them. You have to be okay with the fact that people are not always gonna do right in your life and you just pray that God gives peace and he mend your broken heart when they are removed. So, you know, when we talk about self-love and intentions, you know, do you. You know who you truly are. If I asked you who you are, not the kind of car you drive the property, you own your title, but genuinely who you are. Have you asked God lately? God, who am I? Show me myself. You know? When you don't know who you are, you respond in an unpredictable way. That's why you outside his house trying to look, see, oh. No, I'm not chasing, I attract, I'm not going on my way to go see if some dude is doing right or going to see if my friend is, you know, if I can't trust, if my spirit tells me that I can't trust you in a room full of people, or you're in a room full of my enemies comfortable. And not even enemies, but just people who wish bad upon me, and I can't trust that you are not my friend. Simply put, it's no debate. You feel what I'm saying? And that's the disconnect. But you have to be willing to leave all of that because that's not what God has for you. God has pulled me outta so many places y'all. Seriously place. I had no business being in places that people had no business being connected to me. I'm serious. And, and I was just, oh God, no. No. God was like, absolutely not. So, you know, um, when we're talking about aspects of intention and or we're talking about aspects of self-love, really. And how intention flows into that. You have to also understand, and this goes for romantic relationships, you have to understand attention versus connection. Okay? So attention, anybody, you get attention from anywhere. I go to the grocery store looking like ladies, y we know when we be looking crazy, you know, not even, Hey look, don't talk to me, whatever. And that's, that's the day that people come and they want to talk to you. You can get attention from anywhere people think. You know, social media is the end all, be all. That is garbage. It is a facade. It is a glimpse of what people show. You know what I'm saying? I say it all the time. So you can get attention from anybody, anywhere, anytime. But, you don't get connection. Connection is rare. The ability to connect with people and places and things and engage in unique ways is underrated. I would say you have to learn to pray and really have a conversation with God about. Who's meant to be there and who's not meant to be there. This is not an easy journey to navigate knowing who's, and that's why you have to put trust in him, to allow him to show you, to reveal people to you. Maybe he put them in your life to teach you something. The learning process of life is never ending. You have to be a sponge. That is one of the biggest keys to life is being a sponge, allowing people to teach you and repel whatever does not apply, right? So, you know, if you just invite God in and you allow him to teach you who you are at your core and show you yourself in ways that you've never seen you, then I'm not gonna say you master your self-love journey, but I would say you really start to take stride in your self-love journey, and then your intentions become clearer and then when people come into your life, it becomes clearer. Oh no, they're not meant, you know, now I, my spirit will go off like a red fire truck. I'm not playing. If somebody's not, if my spirit don't mm-hmm. It will tell me. It will halt and it'll be in my movements. So pay attention to that. You know, if I'm not necessarily, I'm not comfortable, not that I'm scared or fearful, but I'm not comfortable. You feel what I'm saying? I don't really do a whole lot of talking and I wonder why. And those are reasons why. So, also understanding, when you are single, you have to really understand what you want versus what you really need. You've gotta work on you, you've gotta work on all aspects concerning you. We talked about this in my first episode, peace of Mind because you could literally want something that you aren't prepared for. You also could, you could want something that you're not prepared for. You could ask God of something that you're not true to. Right, because God can't bless who you pretend to be. He can't bless where what you pretend to be because he knows you by your name that he created intimately in your mother's womb by you. You know? So understanding that, right, that you have to work on you because you have to do your part in this. So if that means I gotta heal, That means I gotta figure out what my traumas are. I gotta figure out what my triggers are. If I, if that means I, I need love, right? We are not just, oh, that doesn't mean love from Instagram. That doesn't mean love from this. This dude who sometimes show up, sometimes don't. You know, kind of here, kind of there. He got his toe in today. He got his whole upper thigh in tomorrow, and now we back at the toenail, right? Mm-hmm. No more that ladies, stop yielding your power. Stop yielding your power to your friends who don't deserve it to your, it shouldn't be your man. Well, I guess if they are, I am speaking to you, so I guess your man, if you don't stop yielding your power, let it go. This stops right here. I had to give it because d o a, we are going to leave it here. We are going to let it go right here. As you listen to my voice as you listen to me, we are leaving this right here. Stop yielding your power, okay? And when you, when you don't know who you are, you don't know what you like, you don't know why you don't like it. You don't know this, you don't know. You yield your power. Again, you give somebody the ability to tell you what your value is, to dictate how they treat you. Instead of walking in with your hand held high, you walking in with your shoulder slumped. Because you don't know who you are because you yield your power. Not even knowing that if you walk into the room like God sent you there on assignment and proud that he sent you on assignment the way you walked in your stride, your step will be different. I walk into every single room like that. No more imposter syndrome, no more. Oh, I'm, I don't belong here. Oh, I'm so, no way. Absolutely not. The enemy tries to creep in. Not only are you battling with, with the enemy, now you telling me you wanna battle with yourself? No, ma'am. So spend time with you. Oftentimes, God isolates us to work on us to do something new within us. All those prayers that you pray, all those the desires of your heart that you revealed to him, everything that you asked to manifest. How can you know your true heart's desires if you constantly are connected to someone or better yet constantly connected to your trauma and your pain, and you don't even know it? There's so many people out here in the world that are literally walking around, bleeding on everyone they come in contact with. Not even not even knowing that they were wounded, but they pick it up and they carry on and move and there's blood everywhere on everything. Because they won't even stop to acknowledge that they've been wounded in the battles that they've faced. So you have to also understand that when you ask things of God, we don't get what we ask for. We, get what we believe God for. We get what we believe about ourselves. It shows up in our energy. Again, walking into a room is how we communicate. Why would we be okay with the bare minimum? Don't, oh God, please don't give me more. Sometimes we, we are afraid of increase, but why would you stunt your own growth by fearing to be great or magnificent or tapping into the magic down on the inside of you? There isn't nothing scary about this so, Navigating your faith is such a challenge, but it's a beautiful struggle. My dad used to always say this, it's a beautiful struggle and it genuinely is. It's a beautiful struggle, but operating in your power, it power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events power. Control the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events. So power. Power is what you operate within, right? Power is what God gives us. He gives us authority. It's authority at its core to do and to be all that he's called and allowed you to be right. And control is the ability, I would say to. When you learn control, you learn what it is to be okay. When God says no, you learn. You learn what it is to be okay in spite of what people don't do for you. When you surrender to that. Instead of getting all up in arms, oh, they didn't do this. They didn't do that. Oh my goodness. I used to be like that often. I used to be like that. I used to get so angry or so up in arms about, you know, people not doing right or not being like me. Not understanding that again, what are we start the episode with? There is never going to be another you why am I spending it or wasting it on this, on getting, outta character. I'm a peacemaker, but I do also understand that a little anarchy has to come to, to create some peace. There has to be fire before there's peace, you know? So, We have to stop yielding our power to people and to places to that job. Surrender to God, you know, pursue life in a different way. Pursue life in a way you've never seen, and watch your life change. Pursue God in a different way, and watch your life change and watch him change your life. That's literally what happened for me. On my single journey. So I'll be honest, you know, I don't mind. Um, so I've been single, um, over a year, over, probably going on two years now. Uh, no, it's over a year, kind of like a year and some change. And so, you know what I've been doing, I can't even, like, it's hard to describe because I've kind of just been operating within it, but. You know, I've really taken this time to sit with God and for him to show me everything about myself. Have I had tests and trials and you know, people try me and things like that. Yeah. You know, but sometimes God sends you tests to see if you still are where you were, or if you are where you believe yourself to be. Now, you know? And if you're ready for next, right? Because we all know all hell breaks looses before your breakthrough. So being single, you know, been doing the, just pursuing self, pursuing life, pursuing my passions. And really, I, I would say this year has set me apart from like anywhere where I, I'm not even close to where I used to be in my, in terms of my mindset. Like it takes so much to agitate my spirit. Now I will, I'm off you. You feel what I'm saying? I'm not, I'm not even about to go there. I'm not even going to take it there. It takes so much to get me out of place, out of a position because I fell victim in my past to being, or allowing myself to get out of position. So now, you know, um, the way I, even, the way I allow, men to court me is different. You feel what I'm saying? It's truly the definition of I don't chase, I attract. And I genuinely, I would say I, have a great, friendship. I have a great connection with this guy now, and we've spent just time, just talking, just times, just getting to know one another and the fact that he sat down to get to know me in such an intimate way, in a way that God knows me, lets me know something about him. You feel what I'm saying? And so, I'm allowed to. I can be myself. I don't have to, and never, I've never done anything that was sucker or, uh, outta character or not true to myself. So let's make that clear. But the way I was pursuing life was different and I literally just halted myself in my tracks. Like, okay, God, this is not working for me. I had dad issues. My biological father, he very interesting man. Okay. But I mean, it's all worked out for my good, you know? I started to see myself through the lens that God gifted me, and I knew my mother was chosen to be my mother. I couldn't have had another mother, I swear. My dad. My dad is, that is my dad only man. I, I've never seen the integrity, the love, the, the passion, the care, the concern, the sacrifice. I've never, and that's why I have such a high standard when it comes to men who are, anytime I'm dating and any man that I marry, I'm not saying you have to match my dad or compete with my dad, but you have to have those characteristics and qualities. My dad, God sent him into my life. And so once I started to see my life in a full picture as a masterpiece, that God had been painting all along, I'm telling you it was literally like shift. Talk about a shift in the atmosphere. And my prayers would get so detailed. My prayers would just, my conversations with him were so intimate and I was just praying to be better. Better than the last year, better than the last week. I was just praying just God make me better. I knew that I was angry. I knew that I was dealing with all the trauma and everything that I had dealt with in my life. God do something new in me. I don't wanna live like this no more. I don't wanna feel like this no more. I don't wanna feel like people are walking off with all of my stuff, with my heart, with my, with my mind. And it'll be people, friends that I really thought were friends, but they, standard of loyalty wasn't like mine. You feel what I'm saying? It was that it was those aspects of the journey that I really got. He agitated me so much so that I became uncomfortable in my normal. And he shifted me. He's like, okay, I got you. And shifted me gradually. And that's what you should know too. Anything that comes from God is gradual. He's never gonna rush in unless it's a, it's never a suddenly because you're always working through these things with him. But it is a suddenly because you could be here one day and then in transition tomorrow, and then by Friday you on the platform because it all is in his timing. And so the way I begin to pursue God, I began to pursue God with this, obedience. With this, I actually, I pursue God through obedience, but I pursued him with such a diligence. Obedience is compliance with an order, right? Because these things that he places on our, down on the inside of us, they're not a request, they're a demand. And when I learned diligence, it was the careful and persistent work or effort of see. Obedience to me is the answering of one. Or a couple orders from God, whereas my diligence was the constant pursuit in a precise way. It was such a precise way. So you have to really understand yourself. You have to understand what you need. You have to understand what your traumas, your healing, your scars, your pain. You have to bear it all and leave it at the cross. Your value does not decrease based upon someone's inability to see it. And if no one sees it, it still counts. But God has you hidden for a reason. He's not ready for you to be on display and sometimes isolation and work. You can't work on a moving plane. You don't see mechanics up in the air working on planes while they're flying. No, all times they have to be grounded. Right. They have to be grounded. So you have to be grounded in Christ so that he can work on you, so that you can better serve yourself, you can better serve God, and you can better serve the people that are connected to you and the people that He sends to you to help in whatever shape, form he needs. So know that he'll give you the desires of your heart, you know? God will give you the desires of your heart, the size of your dream. the size of your dreams should always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. And if you aren't frightened by your dreams, if you aren't frightened by your plans, by your intentions, then they aren't big enough. Go back to the drawing board. They aren't big enough. You know, we don't understand the concept of delayed gratification. We don't seem to understand that the best promises often come After the longest delays. Shout out to TD Jakes cause I learned that through him. The best promises often come out of the longest delays. Stay the course when God is about to bless you again. I told you it halted my spirit. He makes your current circumstances uncomfortable and even unbearable. So ask God to show you yourself and when he shows you who you are, don't be afraid of what you see. Don't be fearful cuz you are that great. You are that phenomenal. You are that beautiful. You are that anointed to go into that space, to go into that room because the world needs you. I'm encouraging you. Be encouraged. So understand. That there are aspects of single nature and how to navigate and what to do. I just spent time with God. I journaled. I always say that I journaled. I have three completely full journals. I have a journal that started in 20, I think it started in 2020, and I'm like down to the final pages this year. It's a prayer journal, but journal and don't always constantly, oh God, help me with this job. Help me with this. Help me with that. How about God help me with my heart. Help me with my mind, help me with my spirit. My mind is cloudy. My body is not operating in the way that it needs. I'm not operating from a space of love because I'm struggling with loving myself. Love of self is the most important driving force. That you have to learn to navigate and learn to love the process of on your journey, because grace is gonna be important here. Give yourself grace. You can't expect everything to happen overnight. And if you do, I can guarantee you if you got it overnight, it'll be gone tomorrow. Make no mistake about it. So when you're navigating single life, how to date, who to allow in your space, in your circle, in your corner, you have to be so, so, so very intentional about everything. And if the people in your life, oh, you doing too much, you're doing, those are not the people that are meant to be around you. And you need to release those people to their own recognizance. Seriously, sincerely, let it go. Stop holding on to people in places that force you to yield your power. Stop yielding your power. Stop yielding your power. Oh, he bought me this. He bought me a louisie bag. He bought me roses. He, he must really like me. No, that don't mean that. That just mean he knows that that money is coming back and at the end of the day, you are gonna bust it open. If he gives that to you, he knows what he's gonna get at the end of that. Because he made you go, Aw, but he don't really care about you for real. And then you wonder why the gifts stop. The gifts stop, because that wasn't, he wasn't being true to his self. He was only doing it to gain something from you, not because he genuinely wanted to pursue you and know you. So attention, connection, all of these things go together. Self-love, all of them when you understand. That all attention is not good attention. And when you love yourself, you will value and desire connection over attention any day. So the journey is light, but the blessings are heavy. Feel what I'm saying? I love that the journey is light, but the blessings are heavy. God's gonna bless you. Just the same way he blessed me, just the same way he blesses all the people that I've watched and witnessed them grow. God is phenomenal. He's ENT and he's all knowing. He's always in your presence, so trust in that. Trust in that aspect of it and trust that if you're single right now, he's gonna do it for you. It might not be fast, but trust that if it's not fast, if you're not off to the races, then it's 100% God sent because he does nothing in a haste. Nothing in a haste. But self-love. Pursuing life, uh, with a diligence and, being obedient to what he's called you to do and to be, and clean your heart posture, you know, clean your heart posture, heal your mind. What does healing look like? Maybe I'll talk to y'all a little bit more about what healing looks like in another episode, but live, love and learn, pursue life, pursue your passions, pursue God. Consistently with an obedience and a diligence and watch him work. Watch him grant you all the desires of your heart while you waiting on God. Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself for those blessings. It's not just on him. You gotta prepare you as well. So I genuinely want to thank you all for an amazing. Episode, I hope that this really help someone. If you have any questions about Living Single that are more specific or concentrated space, please send the Send me an email via KrownCulture@gmail.com. I'd be happy to converse if you have any specific questions about how to navigate, how to date, how to love, how to learn, and how to really create a concentrated heart within you. So I love you all for real. You all have been nothing but phenomenal. Nothing but impeccable. I really appreciate all that you know you guys do for me and all of the support that you've granted. It truly, truly, truly, it doesn't go unnoticed. So thank you. And. I just encourage you, I'll leave you with this. I encourage you to remind yourself that you are love. Remind yourself to love on yourself, and remind yourself to love on all of those connected to you. Life is about love. Blessings and let peace reign supreme.